All Ports of Entry in Kuwait Equipped with “Biometric System”

As part of the security strategy to secure the border crossings with the latest security means and technologies, and in accordance with the national project to protect the country’s security, the Ports and Borders Security Sector has activated the biometric system, which includes taking scans of the face and eyes and fingerprints of those entering the country through the Kuwaiti ports.
According to the Department’s statement the biometric system will be applicable for all above 18 years of age following the procedures for issuing nationality in Kuwaiti law. All individuals – citizens, residents or visitors – arriving in Kuwait through the various ports will be subject to this system as well.
Four centers affiliated with the General Department of Criminal Evidence have been allocated with the cooperation of the General Department of Information Systems in Jahra, Ali Sabah Al-Salem, Farwaniya and West Mishref areas servicing interested parties 24 hours a day.
The investigation management center will be open from 8:00am to 8:00pm to complete the biometric procedures. Biometric devices have also been provided by the General Department of Criminal Evidence at the air, land and sea border crossings.
Citizens and residents must book an appointment through the “Meta” platform, and visitors through the Ministry of Interior’s website to visit the centers designated to complete the biometric procedures (for those who wish to do it before traveling). Travelers through all kinds of ports are allowed to leave without completing the biometric procedures, as its work is limited to arrival (when returning from travel).